We were delighted to award no fewer than 12 'of the month' trophies for our first quarter of 2024, covering the months of January, February & March.
This is a one of our participants favourite parts of our hugely popular Friday Night Football programme - and it was amazing to see how happy we can make lots of young people through rewarding their hard work and application!

Firstly, we have our 'Attitude of the Month' for the 'Youngers'. Our winners were as follows:
January: Albie Noakes - Brown
February: Leonardo Whitehead
March: Jimmy Darby

James stated:
"Albie was our first receipitent this year because he constantly applies himself to the best of his ability, it's no coincidence that this is the second time he's won this award!
Leo has joined our group for the last couple of months and has bought such as positive attitude, the excitement he shows on arrival is amazing.
Jimmy has also recently joined & is always looking to engage with learning and so keen to improve his own technical ability.".

We then had the hard task of awarding three participants the 'player of the month' trophies! Player of the month covers our six key areas of the game & our DNA Philosophy. Q1 winners were:

January:Â Joshua Ellis.
February:Â Albert Wells
March: Sebastian Malek
James explained:
"Josh has shown a great ability to be flexible in playing either in goal or out on pitch, and his pass detail and decision-making in particular has impressed me. Albert can travel with the ball so well, and has no qualms about 1v1 defending with controlled aggression & intent. Seb joined FNF a few months ago and has really bought a high standard in his all-round game, so well done to all three of them".

We now move on to our 'Olders' group who had to (in)patiently wait until the aforementioned six awards were handed out!
First up, 'Attitude of the Month' Q1 awards went to:
January:Â Max Hawley
February:Â Lucian Koranteng
March: Charlie Barker

James told us:
"Firstly, Max's application is nothing short of remarkable. He tries and tries and tries every single week and engages with such positivity. Lucian is another who has such fun, and this is fundamental to improvement - you have to enjoy it! Charlie is the shot-stopper who just loves playing in goal, his enthusiasm is infectious.

Our final three awards were handed out to the 'Olders Player of the Month'. It saw two new participants and one long-standing member of the group pick up the trophies.
January:Â Gabriel Cadell
February:Â Solomon Welton-Marsaoui
March: Tyler Richmond-Cole
James went to say:
"Gabriel & Solomon both were awarded this for similar reasons. They both show a brilliant 1v1 forward-thinking intent, Gabriel more so through his final passing and Sol through his ability to beat people and manipulate the ball".
He continued, "Tyler's all-round game has really come on over these last few months and he thoroughly deserves to be awarded the March POTM. He demonstrates excellent transition skills to regain at speed, and brilliant 1v1 defending skills"

We had a brilliant night full of fun, football & awards. Our Friday Night Football services continues to grow and the feedback we get is incredible.
Here's to many more years of FNF!
